View Library RulesTiming
MON - SAT 1:00 - 8:00 PM
Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
Know about Library
The institute of mental health and neurosciences (IMHANS) has an excellent central library for the benefit of students, faculty, and researchers. It is one of the best-established libraries according to international standards and is aesthetically constructed with a large reading area, stack area, and space for various other activities. The institute's central library has an extensive collection of text and reference books covering different branches of psychiatry, psychology, neurology, psychiatric nursing, psychiatric social work, mental health & medical sciences, and related fields. It is completely automated with the koha open-source integrated library system, centralized air-conditioned (ac), and well protected with CCTV security systems and fire prevention.
Students, faculty and other institute staff members are entitled to become library members.
Library Facilitators:
Library In-Charge
Services & Facilities
- Circulation Services
- Reference Service
- Web OPAC
- Reprography
- Current Awareness Service
- Scholarly Help: Academic Writing Services
- Research Assistance
- Scholarly Software
- Assistance For Online Information Search & Retrieval
- Assistance In Searching Databases Provided
- INFLIBNET Facilities
- Plagiarism Check Service
- Book Reservation Service
- Back Issues Of Journals For Reference
- Reading Hall