Autism centre is a project of the State Initiative on Disabilities to provide comprehensive care to children with developmental disorders with predominantly autistic features, which is being established in all the Govt. Medical Colleges in the state. The centre at IMHANS is in addition to the autism centre at the Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode and the man power include a psychiatric social worker, speech therapist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, special educator and developmental therapist.. The centre at IMHANS functions as an extension clinic of the CDS from 16th August 2018 onwards.
Clinical Activities
- Screening, Early Detection and Assessments
- Counselling and guidance
- Psycho education
- PMT (Parental Management Therapy)
- Behavior Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Awareness and sensitization Programme
- Academic skill
- Daily Living Activities
- Speech language Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Developmental Therapy
Contact Email: imhans.autism@gmail.com