Adult mental health services are provided on an outpatient basis. The service runs at B-Block at the centre of excellence building. A team delivers benefits to mental health professionals, including Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Social Workers, Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatric Nurses.
Adult Psychiatry services are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Anybody needing mental health services can contact the services during OP registration between 9.00 AM and 12.00 Noon on working days. All the persons who get the services will be first received by the team member on reception duty on a particular day. The reason for contact will be noted, and the nature of the services will be explained. The need for emergency intervention and the possible need for inpatient care or referral will be assessed and advised accordingly. Those suitable for enrollment into the services will be notified to come for work on OP days, and an appointment will be given.
On OP days, all patients given appointments will be seen by a psychiatrist consultant and any other consultant as required. A diagnostic work-up will be done, and treatment will be started on the OP day. Later the cases will be discussed in grand rounds with team members from all departments, and individualized care plans, including further assessments and management, will be made. To ensure continuity, each patient will be assigned to one of the postgraduate students who take the responsibility of case manager.
Over time the patient may undergo several assessments and interventions, including patient and family education, individual psychotherapy etc. Those patients who require inpatient care will be referred to Government Medical College Kozhikode or Government Mental Health Centre Kozhikode, or any other psychiatry facility of their choice.